Sigma Technologies specializes in Single Side Printed Circuit Boards with special focus on LED Lighting, Home Appliances and Power Conversion Applications.
Our products are manufactured primarily with White Solder Resist on a variety of substrates, such as Aluminum, FR1, FR4, CEM-1 and CEM- 3.
Sigma Technologies delivers value through Quality, Timely Delivery and Competitively Priced Products.
Sigma Technologies is driven by the belief of perpetual excellence to help you deliver the best to your customers.
- Desired Product Performance – Only the right input material specification and quality to ensure desired product performance
- Precision Production - Japanese machinery for critical processes
- Greater Reliability - Reduced human intervention in production process for higher consistency of process parameters
- Economic Perfection - Professionally qualified, rigorously trained engineers and skilled manpower engaged for manufacturing
- Precise focus on Quality management and control - We follow stringent testing and inspections for all boards we provide
We are driven by the belief of perpetual excellence to help our customers deliver their best.
To build valuable and strong partnerships with our customers by providing products and solutions of desired performance, quality and reliability.
Our Values:
We believe and practice,
- Integrity across all our business processes.
- Deep collaboration with our customers to earn their trust and loyalty.
- Optimistic leadership with focus on impact.
- Continuous improvement and doing the right thing always.
- Stringent compliance to all regulatory requisites and guidelines.
- Responsible care for the environment and the community.
- Concern, respect and development of all our employees and associates.
- Ethical conduct in all our actions and behavior.
- Inclusiveness and encourage diversity.
Code of Conduct:
Ethics PolicyWe focus on promoting a culture of integrity and ethical practice, within the framework of law, acting honorably and treating each other with respect.
Our Ethics Policy is built around the recognition that everything we do in connection with our work at Sigma Technologies will be and should be measured against the highest possible standards of ethical business conduct.
- Trust and mutual respect among employees and our associates are the foundation of our success.
- We appreciate the contributions of every member of our team and maintain a workplace where employees are treated with dignity.
- We work to create a positive workplace where employees are able to do their jobs without fear of harassment or discrimination.
- We encourage Freedom of Expression and responsiveness.
- Provide safe and healthy workplace to prevent injuries and illnesses.
- Provide resources to fulfill these commitment
- Reducing health and safety risks by eliminating and controlling hazards.
- Creating awareness and participation among employees and associates on Health, Safety and Hygiene.
- Compliance obligations and periodic review of regulatory requirements.
- Ensuring that everybody on our team is properly trained to perform their job.
- Empower employees to act with responsibility for their own and others health and safety.
- As an integral part of managing the business, managers at all levels are responsible and accountable for managing workplace health and safety with strong leadership and credibility. They must lead by example and ensure that employees are actively involved in Health & Safety initiatives.
- Valuing the safety of our coworkers and customers as we would for our own families.
PCB's manufactured in Sigma Technologies find a wide range of applications in LED lighting industry
Our Technology
The installed capacity is 360000 sq meters per annum
Technical and Production Capability:
Base Material : Copper Clad Laminates:
- FR1,CEM1/3,FR4 – 1.0mm, 1.60 mm
- Aluminum Copper Clad Laminates – 0.80, 1.0mm, 1.60 mm , T.C. 1W/m. K, 2W/m. K
- Copper Thickness : 18 & 35 Microns
Maximum Board Size :
600 mm x 500 mm
Track Width/ Spacing :
250/ 250 microns
Minimum Hole Size :
0.70 mm Punching
0.40 mm CNC DrillCircuit Types :
SMD Pads, Over Lays, Carbon Pads
Solder Resist :
UV Curable White & Green
Surface Finish :
OSP, ROHS Flux coating
PRINT & ETCH LINE MAKE ORIGIN NOS. Automatic CCD Screen Printing ONOSOKKI JAPAN 4 Automatic Screen Printing PILOT JAPAN 1 Semi-Auto Screen Printing SERIA JAPAN 2 UV Curing FURNACE/C-SUN JAPAN/ TAIWAN 5 Surface Preparation & Scrubbing KAIKO JAPAN 2 Etching & Stripping Line With Auto Etchant Controller KAIKO JAPAN 1
MECHANICAL OPERATIONS MAKE ORIGIN NOS. Wide Saw Cut SHODA JAPAN 1 Automatic Guide Hole X Ray Drilling UHT JAPAN 2 Roller sharing YAOFA CHINA 1 Semi-Auto Guide Hole X Ray Drilling NANJING CHINA 1 Punching Press AIDA / AMATEEP JAPAN / INDIA 5 Fine Piercing Systems AIOI SEIKI JAPAN 4 CNC/ Semi Auto V Cut MC YUBAO CHINA 4
CNC DRILLING & ROUTING SUB CON MAKE SPINDLES Pluritech Giga Driller 10 Mania Micronomics Driller 10 Lenz Router 11 Aderson Router 11 Printed circuit board inspection is conducted at every process stage of production with a 100% BBT for circuit continuity and visual inspection at final outgoing quality check.
Our Quality Policy and Guidelines ensure sharp perspective on quality management and control.
We are committed to develop and manufacture printed circuit boards of consistent quality as per customer specifications and applicable requirements.We shall continuously upgrade our processes to enhance customer satisfaction.
Continuously improve performance metrics for every process.
Minimize customer complaints and ensure timely preventive and corrective remedial measures with root cause analysis.
Ensure process control and strive for “First Time Right” every time.
Training & Development for skill improvement.
We are committed to environmental guidelines compliance and that makes Sigma Technologies a responsible organization.
We are committed to adopt processes for manufacture of printed circuit boards with the objective of prevention of pollution and protecting the environment.
We endeavor to comply with regulatory requirements, objectively set parameters for improving the existing environmental performance.
Promotion of energy and resource conservation
----- Reduce water consumption
----- Reduce power consumption
Improve employee awareness by training
Compliance with statutory obligations.
Let us worry about getting your boards to you on time.We'll take care of your PCB turn around requirements. No matter when you need your boards, we can make it happen.
An illustration of our turnaround time:
LEAD TIME PARTICULARS PROTO SAMPLES 1 WEEK Gerber Files : Panel Lay-up Drawing : Specifications PRE-PRO TRIAL SERIES 1 WEEKS Based on Above Inputs MASS PRODUCTION
(Thru CNC Drilling & Routing)3 WEEKS After successful acceptance of trial production batch / sample approval MASS PRODUCTION
(Thru Tooling – New Mould)5 WEEKS PCB Punching Tools are currently imported from specialty PCB tool maker in Thailand MASS PRODUCTION
(Thru Tooling – Repeated)4 WEEKS Based on customer plan & scheduling By using our vast network of fully qualified partners we can provide whatever you need and when you need it.
Copper Clad Laminates :King Board ( KB) Laminates, China
Chang Chun Plastics Co.Ltd, Taiwan
Shengyi Technology Co. Ltd, China
Shandong Jinbao Tech- Innov Corporation
Tongling Huake Electronic Material Co. Ltd
Zhejiang Huazheng, China
Eternal Materials, Taiwan
Guangdong Chuanghui Alliance Tech. Co. Ltd
Supplier Name Part Code Grade Thickness Sheet Size King Board Laminates Ltd. (KB), China KB-3151C FR-1 1.20MM 48” X 40” KB-5150 CEM-1 1.00MM
1.60MM48” X 40” KB-6160 FR-4 1.00MM
1.60MM48” X 40” Eternal Materials Co. Ltd, Taiwan ETL-204 FR-1 1.20MM
1.60MM48” X 40” ETL-502 CEM-1 1.00MM
1.60MM48” X 40” Zhejiang Huazheng New Material Co. Ltd, China H-140A FR-4 1.00MM
1.60MM48” X 40” HA-80 AL.CCL 1.00MM
1.60MM48” X 40”
Supplier Name Part Code Grade Thickness Sheet Size Tongling Huake Electronic Material Co. Ltd. HRA-510 MCPCB 1.00MM
1.60MM48” X 40” HRA-520 MCPCB 1.00MM
1.60MM48” X 40” HR-FR-4 FR-4 1.00MM
1.60MM48” X 40” Guangdong Chuanghui Alliance Technology Co. Ltd. CH-1.0 MCPCB 1.00MM
1.60MM48” X 40” CH-2.0 MCPCB 1.00MM
1.60MM48” X 40” Shandong Jinbao Electronic Co. Ltd. ZD-95 (G) F CEM-1 1.00MM
1.60MM48” X 40”
Screen Printing Inks
Tamura Corporation, Japan
GOO Chemicals, Japan
Taiyo Ink Mfg. Co. , South Korea
Screen Preparation
Murakami, Singapore
Organic Solderability Preservator (OSP)
Shikoku Chemicals, Japan
Supplier Name Part Code Type Color Viscosity Tamura, Japan USR-2G FX88 Solder Resist Green 450 PS. RPW-20-13 RPW-20-19 Solder Resist White 200 PS. Goo Chemical Co. Ltd, Japan PER-27B-6K Etch Resist Blue 150 PS. PSR-310A (A-78) Solder Resist Green 450 PS. Shikoku Chemicals, Japan Glicoat SMD X OSP - -
Supplier Name Part Code Type Color Viscosity Taiyo Ink Mfg.Co., (Korea) Ltd. TAIYO UVR 150 G LE 10P Solder Resist White 1st Coat 200 PS. UVR 150 G LE 10CW Solder Resist White2nd Coat 200 PS.